Manhatten glass office partitions

The Custom Glass Partition – Tailor Glass Office Partitions to Your Look and Feel

Offices come in all shapes and sizes. At Doors22, we have honestly seen it all! The great part about this job is no two clients are alike. For example, you might assume that law firm A and law firm B would surely share the same characteristics. After all, they’re both professional law firms attending clients, …

Sliding Glass Office Partitions

Three Factors to Consider When Budgeting for Glass Office Partitions

What do hotels, schools, wellness centers, small and large offices, conference centers, and recording studios have in common? Quite a list, and while they likely have a lot in common, they are all functional. Hotels need to function and adapt to various guests, as do schools, offices, conference centers, and more. They don’t all have …

Sliding Glass Conference Door

5 Reasons Your Office Needs Glass Wall Panels

We’re one to two years out of the pandemic, depending on where you live. Office occupancy rates are returning and many businesses are welcoming back folks who have had it nice working from home offices, the back porch, and bedroom nook or somewhere that simply wasn’t the office. These employees were saving on gas, eating …

European importers located in North Carolina Cubicles with ADA handles

Building a modern office with glass office partitions

You may be considering installing glass office partitions which is the new modern design. Doing so will provide numerous benefits for you and your employee’s productivity as well as bright and spacious office looks. ‘Open concept’ is considered to be the current trend for the office design in the modern world. The ‘Open concept’ even …

Internet Company in San Francisco

Commercial Office Design Trends From Doors22

If you are interested in creating a modern commercial office design you will have to look into installing glass wall partitions in your office, conference rooms and cubicles. This design encourages the flow of natural light and a sense of transparency at the workplace. In addition, it creates a “stress free” environment for you and …

Glass Cubicles Doors22

Glass Office Cubicles

There are several reasons for the increasing popularity of glass office cubicles. Traditional office designs are noticed to be slowly fading away into history as entrepreneurs these days prefer fresh modern office trends. They are more eager to experiment with bold things such as glass to promote more transparency in the workplace. The latest technology …

L-Shaped Glass Office

Glass Partition Walls for Modern Homes Or Offices

Whether you are an office owner, a homeowner, or an architect/interior designer who is looking to save space by all means for their office, home, or client, respectively, one thing to must-have is the space-savvy glass office partition system. The modern glass partition walls will not only save much of your room space when opened …

sliding glass office partitions nevada

Sliding Glass Office System by Doors22

The demand for sliding glass office systems is ever increasing because of the exceptional interior features this system offers. Sliding glass office systems have now been trending for offices of all sizes because it enhances the interior of the office, allows for a natural light and very cost effective for both commercial and residential spaces. …

Glass Office Dividers Fort Lauderdale

Glass Office – The Most Inexpensive Solution

Imagine an office with an open workspace and employees seated without separation. Does that ring the bell of employees not being able to pay attention to their work? Yes, this is precisely how it is. To solve this issue, office cubicles are made in the office. Glass office partitions and cubicles are used to create …

Custom Glass Office Cubiles Fort Lauderdale

The Top Glass Office Partitions for Your Safety

f you’ve ever set foot in an office that uses glass partitions to separate desks or meeting spaces, you know how elegant these features can make any office appearance. However, the idea of having all that glass around can bring up concerns about safety. You might wonder if this glass breaks easily or whether it …